In this age of digitization, advanced technology has enabled remote services including e-commerce and online lectures, which allow individuals to benefit from the comfort of their homes. This newfound convenience has also improved an aspect of employment, through phone interviews.
With the latest built-in laptop/phone cameras, candidates may enjoy a high definition interview experience from any place at any time. Here are some examples of why a phone interview is recommended for employers and recruiters:
Expenditure Issues
The cost of setting up an interview may cost more than it is worth if you meet unsuitable candidates (which is often an inevitability during the search for the right fit). The cost-effectiveness of human resources may be wasted on the arrangements required for the interview. Although a physical interview is usually necessary, a phone interview could help determine if employers are keen on following up with the candidate or kindly rejecting the application.
Fine-Tuning the Hiring Process
During a phone interview, employers usually ask questions targeted at the experience and expertise of the applicant. The calls aid in identifying job commitment levels and duties. This is a build-up for actual interviews, when employers may discuss a collated set of items acquired from phone interviews, adding more structure to the hiring process. This means that the physical interview is a matter of affirmation for the employer since the agenda would have been set. Verification is also one major step in the phone interview, where candidates may be whittled down through authenticating their proficiencies and qualifications.
Hidden Aptitude Test
Depending on the nature of job positions, a phone interview may test several skills within the duration of the call itself. For example, employers could rate the efficiency of the candidate in their language ability and the professionalism toward handling formal phone calls. The results may support or undermine an application without additional measures.
Comfort Levels Phone interviews allow both candidates and hirers to reach out at a more relaxed pace. For some candidates who are still currently employed, this prevents the need for taking valuable time-off for an interview and going through the hassle of arranging schedules for a preliminary interview with uncertain prospects. The friendliness of tone experienced during the phone call could serve to instill company morale within the candidate right from the beginning, which may lead to improved overall performance upon employment.
Finally, the process might eliminate jitters, allowing candidates to stay comfortable during the interview and providing an accurate analysis of character for the recruiter. Ultimately, phone evaluations are not substitutes for physical interviews, but they do aid in the hiring process.
Article provided by Advocate Staffing – 1500+ successful K-12 and Higher Education executive searches completed. Ranked #1 Education Executive Search Firm (2016, 2017 & 2018)
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